Joey called. We talked for a while. She's doing well. I still feel like there's
really nothing "there". It was a great few days for me. "The choice may have
been mistaken, the choosing was not. You've got to move on."
I went to see Deep Impact tonight with Dinah and Joe. I had really been wanting
to see Deep Impact for a long time, ever since I saw the trailer in the theatres
months back. Then, I saw the commercial campaign for the movie and wasn't too
happy with the whole action/disaster flick thing. So, I went to the movie with
mixed feelings. I walked out with none. The movie was really good. It kept me
interested, impressed me with just enough high tech effects, and effected me.
I cried more during Deep Impact than I did watching City of Angels last week.
I don't know if that means something, but it's true.
About fifteen minutes ago, I got a voice mail message on my pager. Normally, I
get numerical pages and I call the person back, no problem. Not too often do I
receive voice mail messages, though. Because of this, I went to check the
message and accidentally deleted the message. Doh! This is one of the worst
feelings you could imagine, not really... but it ranks up there, knowing
someone left a message for you but having absolutley no possible way to get that
message. For all I know, the world is about to end or I just landed the lead in the latest Spelling TV drama. Maybe not. I have a sneaking suspicion as to who
left the message, even what it is you said, but I'm not certain and I'm not sure
if calling them at 12:30 in the morning is the best of ideas. So, If you left a
message on my voice mail late Friday night, please leave another. I will try
very hard to not delete it this time.
- mark