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12/21/2001 My First 2001 Oscar Predictions
It's getting to be that time of year again... time for more Oscar predictions! Following are some broad and early Oscar predictions for the major categories. I've included three levels of predictions: the "Leader" predictions are my picks for who will be nominated, "contenders" could easily move up between now and then, and "spoilers" have a shot at, gasp, spoiling the preceding predictions. For those who care, I'll have my a revised version of predictions, with only two levels per category, in January...
BEST PICTURE The Leaders: A Beautiful Mind Gosford Park in the Bedroom The Lord of the Rings Moulin Rouge
The Contenders: Ali Amelie Black Hawk Down Memento The Shipping News
The Spoilers: Hedwig and the Angry Inch Iris The Man Who Wasn't There Monster's Ball Mulholland Drive BEST DIRECTOR The Leaders: Robert Altman, Gosford Park Todd Field, in the Bedroom Peter Jackson, Lord of the Rings David Lynch, Mulholland Drive Ridley Scott, Black Hawk Down
The Contenders: Ron Howard, A Beautiful Mind Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Amelie Baz Luhrmann, Moulin Rouge Michael Mann, Ali Cristopher Nolan, Memento
The Spoilers:Wes Anderson, The Royal Tenenbaums Joel Coen, The Man Who Wasn't There Jonathan Glazer, Sexy Beast Lasse Hallstrom, The Shipping News Steven Spielberg, A.I. BEST ACTOR The Leaders:Russell Crowe, A Beautiful Mind Will Smith, Ali Kevin Spacey, The Shipping News Denzel Washington, Training Day Tom Wilkinson, in the Bedroom
The Contenders: Gene Hackman, The Royal Tenenbaums Sean Penn, I Am Sam Guy Pierce, Memento Billy Bob Thornton, The Man Who Wasn't There Billy Bob Thornton, Monster's Ball
The Spoilers: Jim Broadbent, Iris Jim Carrey, The Majestic Hugh Jackman, Kate & Leopold Kevin Kline, Life As A House Ewan McGregor, Moulin Rouge
BEST ACTRESS The Leaders: Halle Berry, Monster's Ball Stockard Channing, The Business of Strangers Judi Dench, Iris Nicole Kidman, Moulin Rouge Sissy Spacek, in the Bedroom
The Contenders: Thora Birch, Ghost World Cate Blanchett, Charlotte Gray Nicole Kidman, The Others Tilda Swinton, The Deep End Renee Zellweger, Bridget Jone's
The Spoilers: Julianne Moore, The Shipping News Hilary Swank, Affair of the Necklace Audrey Tautou, Amelie Sigourney Weaver, Heartbreakers Reese Witherspoon, Legally Blonde
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR The Leaders: Jim Broadbent, Iris Steve Buscemi, Ghost WorldBen Kingsley, Sexy BeastMartin Landau, The MajesticJon Voight, Ali The Contenders:Jim Broadbent, Moulin RougeHayden Christensen, Life as a HouseJamie Foxx, Ali Ed Harris, A Beautiful MindGoran Visnjic, The Deep End The Spoilers:Peter Boyle, Monster's Ball Dakota Fanning, I Am Sam Michael Gambon, Gosford Park Rupert Grint, Harry Potter Billy Bob Thornton, Bandits
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS The Leaders: Jennifer Connelly, A Beautiful Mind Cameron Diaz, Vanilla Sky Helen Mirren, Gosford Park Maggie Smith, Gosford Park Kate Winslet, Iris
The Contenders: Judi Dench, The Shipping News Brittany Murphy, Don't Say a Word Miam Shor, Hedwig and the Angry Inch Marisa Tomei, In the Bedroom Naomi Watts, Mulholland Drive The Spoilers:Fionnula Flanagan, The Others Julianne Moore, The Shipping News Gwyneth Paltrow, The Royal Tenenbaums Julia Stiles, The Business of Strangers Emily Watson, Gosford Park BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY The Leaders: Gosford Park The Man Who Wasn't There Memento Mulholland Drive The Royal Tenenbaums
The Contenders: Ali Amelie Monster's Ball Moulin Rouge Sexy Beast
The Spoilers: The Business of Strangers Faithless No Man's Land The Others Training Day
ADAPTED SCREENPLAY The Leaders: A Beautiful Mind Ghost World in the BedroomThe Lord of the Rings The Shipping News
The Contenders:Black Hawk Down Bridget Jones's Diary The Deep End Iris Lantana
The Spoilers:A.I. Focus Hedwig & the Angry Inch Last Orders Vanilla Sky
This entry has 5 comments:
Vanilla Sky was one of the worst movies I have ever seen, what are you talking about Tom Cruise or even Cameron Diaz were good in that movie? An extremely over-rated director named Cameron Crowe completely destroyed the wonderfully original and gorgeous spanish original.
Luke (02/15/2002 04:13 PM)
Heh. I wouldn't count Bratt out for a nomination though at this point I don't see it happening.
mark (01/02/2002 02:19 PM)
What about Benjamin Bratt in Pinero? His past relationship with Ms Overbite was a great acting lesson in itself.
PaGuy4U (01/02/2002 02:15 PM)
My predictions have little to nothing to do with acting recignition. More like buzz recognition. Among many factors, Diaz recently received a Golden Globe nomination for the role which means a lot when it comes to predicting what the Oscar race will wind up looking like. Cruise did not.
Mark (12/27/2001 02:05 PM)
Hmm... why is Cameron Diaz getting recognition for her acting in Vanilla Sky and Tom Cruise nothing? She was very good, but I thought Tom was amazing too. Hmm...
Bart (12/27/2001 01:56 PM)
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