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Sharing my online "baby pictures"

Thank goodness for the fine folks at google who have recently unveiled their near full archives of USENET posts from 1995 to present, something that hasn't been available for a long time since Deja stopped and was later bought out by Google. I've been able to catch up on some of my internet "baby pictures" including my first post to USENET from way back six years ago and the first mention of what is today Sondheim.com. Michael Jackson!? What was I thinking!? :)Also interesting is a post which appears to be the first mention of the possibility of The Producers being turned into a Broadway musical, an idea that, as you all know, failed miserably. Speaking of which, did you know that Livent CEO, Garth Drabinsky has just put a lock on the acquisition of all rights to the works of Dr. Seuss?In the "If I Knew Then What I Know Know" category is this post, the first mention of the Talkin' Broadway website I had just created.

This entry has 3 comments:

I had been developing the Sondheim site that grew into Sondheim.com before graduation. I believe the site began in early 1995. But, yes, it appears the first record of the mention on USENET is currently the day after I graudated from high school. I wish I still had email archives from before 1997 (I have nearly all emails I sent and received including CASTRECL and the Sondheim list from 97 to today) as I would be able to peg to the day when I first began the site. I'd also get to see all those "baby picture" posts from us youngin's (Myself, David, Matt...)!

Mark (04/27/2001 03:24 PM)

It looks like the Sondheim stage post was from the day after you graduated (from high school?).

Bill (04/27/2001 02:30 PM)

Here's my first reference to Better Living through Show Tunes back in September 1996. And hey, the link still works! I started posting to usenet by at least 1994. I can't remember if it was any earlier.

Bill (04/27/2001 02:27 PM)

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You know it. You love it. You can't get enough of it. Yes, it's the infamous webcam!

Sweeney Todd
Read all about how I, and hundreds of others, got screwed out of tens of thousands of dollars by Doug Mayo.

Times have changed and so too has the design of this site. Journey back in time with me for some redesign fun!

I have a healthy fascination with the phenomenon of events in relation to the musical Assassins.

What people are saying:

I'm really not sure of the appeal of Mark Bakalor's site, because frankly I suspect there is none, but hell, I check it at least thrice daily, and you should too!

- dlevy

"Your website is beautifully demented. The moving head thing in the top left just does it. I've been staring at it for the past minute and still find it amusing. You're an inspiration to us all."

- Gord

"A physical middle ground between Bing Crosby and a sedated Pee-Wee Herman."

- Press Democrat

"Your website makes me giggle. tee-hee! i cannot stop myself."

- Jenn Kauffman

"Decide for yourself if this guy is brilliant or kooky."

- Brainrub.com

Brilliant!!! You're a cross between Robin Willliams and Fred Astaire!

- Mom

"I want to keep an ongoing converse with you about the end of wars, crime, death and old age... Like most, you are probably a bible reader... lets talk soon."

- Michael

"poopy shmapoopy on a purple stick."

- Emily

"People as talented as you should be smothered at birth. You're making the rest of us look like slackers."

- Brad Graham


- Elmer

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